Canoe Polo

A game for teams of 5 players. Its fast, exciting, and develops all the skills you need to manoeuvre a kayak, while requiring tactical awareness. We play every Thursday evening during our indoor season 9-10pm at Banff Swimming Pool, We hold regular polo tournaments in November and March, and other clubs send teams to compete. We have also run junior events. Our Sharks team won the trophy in November 2013. In March 2014 our Dolphins team just lost a nailbiting final with Donside to end as runners up, but won in November 2015! In November 2016 Deveron Porpoises were runners up to Highland Canoe Polo. Deveron Canoe Club were promoted from Division 4 to Division 3 in the SCA league in 2015, and to Division 2 in 2016. In 2016/17 we have 2 teams in the SCA Leagues. In summer, we play on Loch Soy.

River Canoeing

Indian style paddling in an open canoe. Perfect for multi day camping trips. Make a start on flat water, or lazy river sections. Suitable for solo or tandem paddling, open canoes require use of a single bladed paddle. Every year we run a camping weekend, usually on the River Spey.

River Kayaking

Drift down slow moving sections, blast down short drops. Learn to move effortlessly from one side of the current to the other. As your skills grow, move on to faster whitewater rivers. Learn to play the river. Drift down slow moving sections, blast down short drops. Learn to move effortlessly from one side of the current to the other. As your skills grow, move on to faster whitewater rivers. Learn to play the river. The River Deveron is ideal for learning the basic river skills, but with more experience, join us on other local rivers like the Spey, Findhorn and Dee. Or further afield – The Garry, North Esk and Tay!

Sea Kayaking

Long lean kayaks, built for speed and rough seas. Explore the coast, away from the crowds. Explore the caves. How close can you get to the wildlife? We have a regular programme of local trips, and every summer run a long weekend further afield – Skye, Handa, Coigach and the North Coast.

Surf Kayaking

Why stand when you can sit down. Learn to harness the energy of the waves, and surf, and surf… Sandend Beach and Banff Links are superb places to surf, and we have a range of specialist surf kayaks and sit-on-top surf skis to help our members learn the art of surfing. Every year we run a weekend trip to Thurso, Scotland’s premiere surf destination. The video links show club surfing, and top level kayak surfing from current times and the 1991 world championships in 1991 – a different era!

Pool Training

The club’s coaches – offer our paddlers tips on technique. Every autumn we offer training to novices in Banff Swimming Pool at a cost of approximately £6 per session. Currently this is every Thursday evening from 7 til 8 pm. Its about building confidence in a warm safe environment, with our coaches. Learn basic strokes and moves, develop balance, practice rescues. Then have fun with a short game of canoe polo. By summer, beginners are ready to venture outdoors. An outdoor trip calendar is prepared in advance, see Trips. Sometimes trips are adjusted to suit weather or sea conditions prevailing on the day.

Established members attend after the novice session, between 8-9pm. They can practice more advanced techniques, like the Eskimo roll, and ask our coaches for tips. Canoe polo practice runs from 9-10pm.

Our Qualifications

We are affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association, and our coaches have been slowly garnering the qualifications that will allow them to coach and lead more demanding excursions.