Membership Information
Membership runs from 1st October until 30th September.
Cost is £20 per individual member, £10 for juniors, or £40 for family membership (family includes 2 related adults plus all of their children under 18 years of age).
Please note that due to the nature of the activity, no children under secondary school age will be allowed to join unless accompanied by a parent or guardian when on the water.
To join the club please contact the Membership Secretary for a membership form.
Canoeing is a strenuous physical activity. If you have a medical condition which may cause you problems undertaking a trip, you must bring it to the attention of the trip leader BEFORE the trip commences (and preferably before you agree to come on the trip). Unless told otherwise, we assume that you are physically fit enough to undertake the trip. Please ensure that you bring an emergency telephone number with you and ensure that someone else on the trip is aware of where it is – this is in case we need to call someone if an emergency should arise. Once the trip has started, members must follow the advice of the trip leader, until the event is completed. Whilst every care will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants, paddle sports are a risk sport. A risk assessment will be carried out by the leader before the activity. The Club cannot be held liable for injury and accidents beyond their control. Individual Personal Insurance cover is advised.